Focus Question- How can teachers use email or text messaging to foster information exchanges with and among students?
Teachers use email or text messaging to communicate with students . Text messages are a way to send short messages through cellular devices and as the years go back teenagers managed to shorten multiple words in order to make the message quick and simple. Emails are a more professional route for students and teachers to communicate but for a class assignment or exercise text messages are being use more often. Text messages are able to get students involve in the lessons more than they would usually.
Tech Tool - Class website

Conclusion and Connection
It has come as a surprise to me that teachers would even considered using cellphones in a lesson plan. Going through school, there was always a big sign posted on the teachers board with a picture of a cellphone and a big X going through it. In high school it has always been a big don't to be even seen with a cellphone in a class. The schools system and teachers are changing and the new policy Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is allowing a broader understanding of the students and a better way to communicate.This chapter explore the different ways technology , and social media can be use to communicate with students and email and texting is one of the most effective ways.
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010).Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.
BYOD is becoming more popular across the country - however, like most everything else, it comes with some pros and cons. Our experience has been very positive at the high school. One of the key factors is the good classroom management - which you need for any good learning to occur anyway. Some think that BYOD takes children 'off-task' but it doesn't have to if you are effective in basic classroom management (which can be challenging, of course!).